meet Lexi

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➀ Lexi™ creates a dynamic Toolbox based on the user profile, authorization level and services availability.
➁ During the conversation, the AI Assistant selects which tools are required to best satisfy the user requests.
➂ Lexi™ handles all aspects regarding execution, access to data and additional settings for every tool.
The Framework
 That Makes
AI Integration...

Introducing the Lexi™ Framework
A Quick Insight


The Lexi™ Framework creates a Backend Server and a fully functional-multi-user Frontend.

Built-In Engines

Web Search, SQL Access, Data Mining Tools, User Specific Data Manager... All included when starting a new project.

External Commands

Integrate new functions and plugins to Lexi™ with just a few lines of code.

Virtual Agents

The perfect blend between an intuitive AI model and deterministic logic. Virtual Agents leverage assistant skills and allow specific events in the conversation to trigger logic in your code.

Google Cloud Connected

Besides having an in-house Login System, the Lexi™ Framework makes it easier to setup a Google Cloud service, OAuth2 verification, Email & Calendar access, and much more...

Asynchronous IO

Lexi™ leverages the reliability of FastAPI to build a robust application foundation. Based in asynchronous code, it can handle multiple IO requests simultaneously.
